Reconnecting Yourself with Intention
Taking extra time for myself at the beginning of each year to check in and reconnect is one of my most cherished forms of self-love.
The value of alone time always means so many things to different people whether it is connecting with your home, traveling solo, reading a book, or spending time on a walk, the important thing is to always carve out space that means something to you. It is one of the greatest gifts we can honor ourselves with.
Here are a few of my favorite ways to find gratitude and remember that slowing down is the best practice to honor myself.

The value one gets by sitting still and just listening to the rhythm of your own body allows us to take time to reconnect with intention. I love connecting with water and just feel what I need to step into the new year.

One of the ways I like to connect is to treat myself to a very special solo dinner. Just watching people and connecting all the flavors of the food help me to slow down. Eating alone sometimes may be at a beautiful restaurant (French food is my favorite) or spending time in my own kitchen cooking and listing to music while sipping on a glass of red wine

There is something really peaceful about enjoying a day at the spa. I like to buy a day pass and get a few treatments, just lounge by the pool and read a book, and grab some lunch.

I've found that one of the best ways to ground myself when my mind is running away from me is by spending time outdoors mediating. Sitting still in a place that brings you joy and just listening to natures music. The immense power this brings by letting go of all the energy we carry that serves nothing allows me to refocus on what is import going into a new year. It's incredibly humbling when you allow nature a moment its magic and wonder.

A slow afternoon creating art and listing music guides me to self-connections and reflections. I love drawing the nature that I see when taking walks. Being able to take alone time to draw and watercolor that discovery is satisfying. There is something about connecting to another form of reflection that begins to connect all of who you are.
These are just a few of the ways that I like to spend my alone time. Most often, my practice guides me to start slow with a cup of coffee and sit quietly reflecting on my path forward into the new season of change and growth. There's no right or wrong way to practice selfcare, but I encourage you to simply begin what right for your practice.